By request from some of the younger kids, I’m offering a new adventure crew for kids in grades 3-5 that will start July 24th and will go through the fall season. There will be fun outdoor adventures in each session with lessons in taking care of the earth and sustainability integrated throughout the program.
July 24th – Hiking to the chapel at St Johns Unv and games
July 27th – Plant-based dinner and start painting canoe paddles
Aug 7th – Canoe outing on the Mississippi with Voyageur crew
Aug 14th – Service project: taking care of the earth
Aug 17th – Campfire fun, and games
Aug 24th – Planet-friendly boat outing on Lake Minnetonka on a no-emissions Duffy boat
September dates will be posted soon. TBD
September sessions will include topics related to plant-based nutrition, sustainability, and seasonal adventures at SJU, Quarry park, and Warner Lake.